Creating a Business Around Your Purpose with Jen Wyatt

Join Jen Du Plessis and her special guest Jen Wyatt as she shares the importance of discovering your purpose and centering your business around it. I have a delightful guest today. We had the opportunity to meet on the International Christian Speakers Summit a couple of months ago. I wanna introduce our guest today, Jen Wyatt. Listen as she shares with us about simplifying our businesses and how to market your business without social media. Listen to the podcast here: Creating a Business Around Your Purpose with Jen Wyatt Well, hello everyone. Welcome to Success to Significance. I’m your host, Jen Du Plessis. I have a delightful guest today. We had the opportunity to meet on the International Christian Speakers Summit a couple of months ago. That’s a mouthful. Um, and, uh, it, it was really good because I don’t know how many of those, the of us there were,…

Lisa Venderkwaak

How To Deliver A Powerful Message That Impacts Your Audience with Lisa Venderkwaak

How To Deliver A Powerful Message That Impacts Your Audience with Lisa Venderkwaak Hi everyone, and welcome back to Success to Significance. I’m your host, Jen Du Pluses, and today I’m really delighted to have this special guest with us today because we both had the opportunity to speak at a Christian Woman’s Summit a couple of months ago, and that’s how we met. And I just wanna be able to spread the word and reach out to all the speakers and said, let’s get you on our podcast. Let’s continue to. Expand your presence and your influence in the marketplace. So with that, I wanna introduce you to Lisa Venderkwaak, who is joining us from Alberta, Canada. Let me give you a little bit about Lisa. She’s a certified executive speak speaking coach and growth strategist. She trains women executives, entrepreneurs, influencers, and highly motivated corporate leaders. Share their…

S2S Michelle Nedelec

Strategies, Systems & State of Mind with Michelle Nedelec

Strategies, Systems & State of Mind with Michelle Nedelec I am delighted, and I will tell you all this has been a challenge for both my guest and me today because the fourth time or third time, maybe we’re in the fifth time, is a charm in getting ourselves together and having the technology to be able to do it. So, um, without further ado, I want to introduce you to Michelle Netec, and let me tell you a little bit about her in her. Her brief bio here, and then we’re gonna dig into some really exciting things that I’m gonna be asking her today. And I bet you haven’t been asked some of these questions before. Um, Michelle, but she is the founder. She, along with Brad Mooney, are the founders of Awareness Strategies Incorporated. Um, they’ve dedicated their careers to helping entrepreneurs become millionaires, which I wanna…

Quality of your Breath with Helene Leeds

Quality of Your Breath with Helene Leeds

Quality of Your Breath is the Quality of Your Life. ~ Helene Leeds I’m excited to introduce you to Helene Leeds today. She’s a wellness innovator and an international expert in health and wellness. She’s on a mission to empower people to succeed in revitalizing their life, their relationships, and their businesses. We’re going to be talking about some of the toxic habits that we have that can keep us from being our best selves. Helene is a former FORD model, MasterChef (FOX TV) cast member, mother, seeker of truth, and principal of Purposeful Ventures. She knows a thing or two about putting yourself on a path of vitality. I know I could use some help in that area! Listen to the episode here:   Get to know Helene Leeds: Low energy increase inhale Anxiety increase exhale Helene Leeds, M.S. is a wellness innovator and an international expert in health and…

Denny’s to Diamonds America’s sought-after real estate investor

Denny’s to Diamonds America’s sought-after real estate investor with Dwan Bent-Twyford Hey everyone, I am so excited. I’ll tell you what, we have today’s guest, Dwan Bent-Twyford. We’ve been talking in the green room, and we probably should have been recording all the goofy things that we were talking about because we have so much in common. Listen to the episode here:   Get to know Dwan Bent-Twyford: Dwan Bent-Twyford and her husband, Bill Twyford, are professional real estate investment coaches, mentors, and top podcasters. With over 2,000 real estate transactions under their belts, they have created a duplicatable system to help you find the same success. Their goal is to educate you on everything related to real estate investing, from short-sale investments to real estate foreclosures to Subject-To’s. Their home study courses, proven methods, internet training program, and live classes not only teach you how to become a multimillionaire…

Preparing Your Business for Change in the World Wide Web with Sheryl Plouffe

Preparing Your Business for Change in the World Wide Web with Sheryl Plouffe Hi everyone, and welcome back to Success to Significance Life after breaking through Glass Ceilings. I’m your host, Jen Du Plessis. Today with me is a longtime colleague. It’s so funny. We just rekindled. We were like, why don’t we ever just constantly talk? Listen to the episode here:   Get to know Sheryl Plouffe: Sheryl Plouffe turned her professional media experience into a thriving virtual video production agency and consultancy. She is an entrepreneur and international speaker and has broadcast over 20,000 hours of live television over her 25-year career.   Today, Sheryl creates and implements custom content plans for 6 and 7-figure business owners so they can quickly get their brand known online. She is the creator of The Profitable Podcast Method™ – helping agency owners and high-ticket service providers get more clients, referrals, & speaking…

Helping Nonprofits and Entrepreneurs through Charity Fundraising with Donna Shephard

  Join Jen in this special BONUS episode of Success to Significance with guest Donna Shephard, founder of Global Unity Foundation. Listen along as Donna shares her passion for helping entrepreneurs and nonprofits through fundraising charities and the Global Unity New Year’s Eve Summit & Gala on December 31st! Get your tickets and/or support the 2022 City Gala event here: Global Unity Foundation   Are you a successful professional ready to share your story? Email to get scheduled! — Listen to the episode here: Helping Nonprofits and Entrepreneurs through Charity with Donna Shepard Hi there. Welcome back to this episode. I am delighted to bring on our guest today, Donna Shephard. She is the co-founder of Global Unity Foundation, um that I cannot wait to tell you all about. And this is a very, very special podcast, um, for many reasons. And, um, number one, That, uh, her son, Ryan Long,…

STS 69 | Living With Confidence

Reflecting Confidence: Be The You You Want To See In The Mirror With Ebony Moore

Living life with confidence is easier said done. When you’ve gone through the thick of life, it’s hard to push through and come out the other end. But it is possible. Ebony Moore is a powerhouse in motivational speaking, women empowerment, and self-confidence. She is a certified coach, CEO of the Enchanted Reflections Modeling Studio, and host of podcast. She joins Jen Du Plessis to share her inspiring story of finding that confidence and now helping others do the same. Listen in for an enlightening and moving conversation on fostering self-love and becoming the reflection you want to see in the mirror.

STS 60 | The Model

The Model: Empowering Women To Unparalleled Success With Jessica Mejia

  There are moments in life where we think that the easiest way to face a problem is by tearing ourselves down. But this should not be the case. Instead, we should learn how to be more kind to ourselves. Jessica Mejia has been through her share of life-changing challenges that, although making breakdowns tempting, helped her see why self-care and love are even more important. In this episode, she joins Jen Du Plessis to talk about the poignant story that led her to the success she is now. At the heart of it is Brooke Castillo’s The Model, a process that allows you to see the thoughts that are serving you and learn to create new ones, a.k.a. neuroplasticity. Jessica shares how it taught her to recognize the things that are no longer serving her and to respect and strengthen her body. Now, as a life coach and Founder and CEO…