Delegating Vital Work to Your Support Team with Beejel Parmar

Join Jen and guest Beejel Parmar as he speaks to us about how having the right Vital Assistant to manage your most vital task, can make all the difference to reach that millionaire status as an Entrepreneur! Listen to the podcast here: Delegating Vital Work to Your Support Team with Beejel Parmar Hey everyone and welcome back to Success, success to Significance. I’m your host, Jen Du Plessis. I am so excited that you’ve joined us here today, and I wanna say thank you for joining us. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to spend time with us, learning about the successes and the failures, and the trials and tribulations, the lessons learned by so many people that have broken through their glass ceilings.   So, having said that, uh, today I wanna introduce you to Beejel. He, uh, since 2009, he’s been providing virtual assistant…

Steps to Building a Legacy with Rich LeBrun

Listen as Jen sits down with Franchise Consultant, Executive Coach and Author, Rich LeBrun. Rich breaks down how he helps others develop their full entrepreneurial potential. Listen to the podcast here: Steps to Building a Legacy with Rich LeBrun Hey everyone. Welcome back to Success to Significance. I’m your host, Jen Du Plessis, and today with me is someone who’s becoming a really good friend and a really a colleague as well, you know, as we continue to grow our relationship. And that is Rich  LeBrun, welcome, Rich. Welcome to the show.    Jen, uh, great to see you. Thanks for, thanks for letting me be on your show. I’m really looking forward to our conversation.    Yeah, thank you. I am too, you know, and I was on your podcast as well, so we’ll, we’ll definitely have a link in our, um, in our notes, you know, uh, for…

Creating a Business Around Your Purpose with Jen Wyatt

Join Jen Du Plessis and her special guest Jen Wyatt as she shares the importance of discovering your purpose and centering your business around it. I have a delightful guest today. We had the opportunity to meet on the International Christian Speakers Summit a couple of months ago. I wanna introduce our guest today, Jen Wyatt. Listen as she shares with us about simplifying our businesses and how to market your business without social media. Listen to the podcast here: Creating a Business Around Your Purpose with Jen Wyatt Well, hello everyone. Welcome to Success to Significance. I’m your host, Jen Du Plessis. I have a delightful guest today. We had the opportunity to meet on the International Christian Speakers Summit a couple of months ago. That’s a mouthful. Um, and, uh, it, it was really good because I don’t know how many of those, the of us there were,…

Lisa Venderkwaak

How To Deliver A Powerful Message That Impacts Your Audience with Lisa Venderkwaak

How To Deliver A Powerful Message That Impacts Your Audience with Lisa Venderkwaak Hi everyone, and welcome back to Success to Significance. I’m your host, Jen Du Pluses, and today I’m really delighted to have this special guest with us today because we both had the opportunity to speak at a Christian Woman’s Summit a couple of months ago, and that’s how we met. And I just wanna be able to spread the word and reach out to all the speakers and said, let’s get you on our podcast. Let’s continue to. Expand your presence and your influence in the marketplace. So with that, I wanna introduce you to Lisa Venderkwaak, who is joining us from Alberta, Canada. Let me give you a little bit about Lisa. She’s a certified executive speak speaking coach and growth strategist. She trains women executives, entrepreneurs, influencers, and highly motivated corporate leaders. Share their…

S2S Michelle Nedelec

Strategies, Systems & State of Mind with Michelle Nedelec

Strategies, Systems & State of Mind with Michelle Nedelec I am delighted, and I will tell you all this has been a challenge for both my guest and me today because the fourth time or third time, maybe we’re in the fifth time, is a charm in getting ourselves together and having the technology to be able to do it. So, um, without further ado, I want to introduce you to Michelle Netec, and let me tell you a little bit about her in her. Her brief bio here, and then we’re gonna dig into some really exciting things that I’m gonna be asking her today. And I bet you haven’t been asked some of these questions before. Um, Michelle, but she is the founder. She, along with Brad Mooney, are the founders of Awareness Strategies Incorporated. Um, they’ve dedicated their careers to helping entrepreneurs become millionaires, which I wanna…

Quality of your Breath with Helene Leeds

Quality of Your Breath with Helene Leeds

Quality of Your Breath is the Quality of Your Life. ~ Helene Leeds I’m excited to introduce you to Helene Leeds today. She’s a wellness innovator and an international expert in health and wellness. She’s on a mission to empower people to succeed in revitalizing their life, their relationships, and their businesses. We’re going to be talking about some of the toxic habits that we have that can keep us from being our best selves. Helene is a former FORD model, MasterChef (FOX TV) cast member, mother, seeker of truth, and principal of Purposeful Ventures. She knows a thing or two about putting yourself on a path of vitality. I know I could use some help in that area! Listen to the episode here:   Get to know Helene Leeds: Low energy increase inhale Anxiety increase exhale Helene Leeds, M.S. is a wellness innovator and an international expert in health and…

STS 23 | Your Circle Of Influence

Now What? – The Critical Shift From Success To Significance With Amy Walker And Dr. Monikah Ogando Of Your Circle Of Influence

  Moving from success to significance can be a lot easier if you have a dynamic community behind you. That is exactly what Amy Walker and Dr. Monikah Ogando offer at Your Circle Of Influence, a community where six to seven-figure women entrepreneurs can gather to support each other and help each other amplify their success. Monikah is the CEO and Founder of the award-winning firm CEO Mastery, while Amy is a sales author, client acquisition specialist, international speaker, and executive business coach. Taking a break from their busy lives, they join forces to begin making their vision of a women entrepreneurs’ community a reality. Today, they meet with host, Jen Du Plessis, to give us their take on moving from success to significance, beating limiting beliefs and building a successful life around your core values. They also give us a peek of the amazing work they are doing in…

Constant Contact: Breaking Glass Ceilings And Revolutionizing Businesses With Alec Stern

  Significant successes are achieved by those who leave positive impacts with the right purpose to the right people. In this episode, Jen Du Plessis has Alec Stern to discuss his amazing breakthroughs in life. Alec is the Co-Founder of Constant Contact, a multi-million-dollar email marketing company that revolutionized the way small and medium-sized businesses are marketed. Becoming America’s Startup Success Expert was not a walk in the park for Alec, but his achievements amidst his cancer journey are proof that anyone can break their glass ceiling if they have the true will to do so. He shares the significance of working with the right people when innovating and offers his advice to those opting to transition their work during these challenging times. — Listen to the podcast here Constant Contact: Breaking Glass Ceilings And Revolutionizing Businesses With Alec Stern I have a wonderful guest with me, Mr. Alec Stern. I want to…

Breaking Glass Ceilings And Revolutionizing Businesses With Alec Stern

  Significant successes are achieved by those who leave positive impacts with the right purpose to the right people. In this episode, Jen Du Plessis has Alec Stern to discuss his amazing breakthroughs in life. Alec is the Co-Founder of Constant Contact, a multi-million-dollar email marketing company that revolutionized the way small and medium-sized businesses are marketed. Becoming America’s Startup Success Expert was not a walk in the park for Alec, but his achievements amidst his cancer journey are proof that anyone can break their glass ceiling if they have the true will to do so. He shares the significance of working with the right people when innovating and offers his advice to those opting to transition their work during these challenging times. — Listen to the podcast here: [smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Breaking Glass Ceilings And Revolutionizing Businesses With Alec Stern” image=”” ] Breaking Glass Ceilings And Revolutionizing Businesses With Alec Stern I have…

STS 1 | Success To Significance

Success To Significance: Exploring Multiple Levels Of Breakthroughs In Life

  Have you broken through your glass ceiling already? What do you want to achieve after doing so? Making your life more significant by having another goal can be your next path. Today, Jen Du Plessis welcomes you to the very first episode of her Success To Significance podcast, which tackles multiple levels of breakthroughs from different people across all walks of life. Breaking her own glass ceiling, Jen shares the lessons and failures she has learned along the way and incorporates them to the tips she shares for attracting clients and breaking through other achievements. Get to know Jen and this exciting new journey she is taking in this episode. — Listen to the podcast here: Success To Significance: Exploring Multiple Levels Of Breakthroughs In Life My name is Jen Du Plessis and I am delighted that you have joined me on this first episode of Success to Significance: Life After…