Entrepreneurs have limiting beliefs about themselves that create constant struggles, preventing them from moving forward. The “I have to do it all myself,” “I don’t know if I can bring enough money for the new hire,” or “I’m not capable of hiring the right people” are examples of common limiting beliefs entrepreneurs struggle with. Jen Du Plessis invited Executive and Entrepreneur Performance and Mindset Coach Malorie Nicole to discuss limiting beliefs, how you can overcome them, and why you should. Malorie has immense experience overcoming limiting beliefs. She had to fight through a traumatic brain injury and battle major health issues to grow and move from success to significance. In this episode, Malorie explains how we all have our blind spots, how our blind spots trap us in a cycle of struggle and doubt, and how hiring a coach can help us identify those blind spots and lift us out of our self-limiting loophole.
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Limiting Beliefs And How To Break It With Malorie Nicole
My guest is Malorie Nicole. Her history is pretty interesting. Why we wanted to bring her on the show is because she overcame a traumatic brain injury, losing parts of her memory, and battling major health issues. All of these things eventually leading her to her own personal growth journey. That moved her from success in that to the significance that she is trying to place on other people now helping them get through their limiting beliefs, not because of any brain trauma, but because we all have these crazy limiting beliefs.
Malorie, welcome to the show. I’m so happy to have you.
Thank you so much for having me. I’m excited to be here.
I am too. You live in Belmont, North Carolina. It‘s hard for me to say it because I live in Bluemont. If I were going to come down and visit you, what would we do?
I love to spend time outside. I would figure out something outside, whether that’d be a nature walk down on the lake or some type of restaurant down in the little downtown area of Belmont with good outdoor scenery.
It’s always nice to know what people do behind the scenes.
It is. What we don’t talk about when we’re doing that kind of stuff.
Let’s get started with your story. How did you get this traumatic brain injury? Were you in an accident? What happened there?
[bctt tweet=”Create a new belief system that helps you move forward. ” via=”no”]
Several years ago, I was in a bicycle accident. I was 21 at that time. I was in college. You can say that I wasn’t living an aligned life. I wasn’t living a life that fulfills me and the way that life does now. I had some bad habits because of that. I didn’t know why I was here on this Earth or what I wanted to make of my time being a person in this world. I got on a pretty bad bicycle accident, that was my doing. It was my fault, the way that it happened. It took my life in a different direction. I was twelve credits away from graduating at the time. This put me back almost a year. I was told by the doctors that I might not retain the prior ability that I had before the accident. Nobody knew what to tell me. I spent a week in the ICU. There was a lot of different things that happened during this period of life where you look back and you go, “That was a miracle. I don’t know how I made it through that. The way that the series of events went down that night and that week and thereafter.” It was traumatic, but it allowed me to take a little bit of a different direction in my life at the time.
Did you get hit by a car?
No, I didn’t. That would be the epic story. I’m driving down the road or riding you back down the road and the car swings on, no. As I mentioned, bad habits. I was drinking too much. I was riding my bicycle. Because of how much I had been drinking and being intoxicated, it was my mistake and my fault. My front tire hit someone’s back tire. I flung off the handlebars. The way that I landed was just enough impact to create internal bleeding in my brain. You couldn’t see it from the outside. The ambulance came that night and they were trying to tell me that I needed to go to the hospital. I was over the age of eighteen. I convinced them I was fine and everything was okay when it clearly wasn’t. Later that night, my friend stopped by and was like, “Your words aren’t even making sense. I’m taking you to the ER right now.” Had I fallen asleep that night, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. There are so many factors that happened in that 24-hour time period where things could have gone in a different direction and it didn’t. What do I want to make of that?
It’s a blessing that you didn’t have brain injury that was so severe that you were not cohesive and all of that not good stuff, but all of those things. After that happened, what were you studying in school?
I’m studying Geographic Information Systems Technology and I was doing Water Quality Studies in school, but I lost my cognitive functioning ability during that time. I had to spend about a year off of school and let that heal and redevelop. All of that education is a little bit different than the work I do now.
Tell us how you got here. How did this transform and rear itself to get you to the point now where you’re helping entrepreneurs break through their limiting beliefs and create that mental clarity that they need to move forward in their practice?
After going to school for all of that, I ended up working for an engineering firm in Charleston, South Carolina for a little while. After a number of years at the firm, I started developing some health issues. Here again, we have this weird “what’s happening? What is this big thing that’s happening in my life? What’s going on?” scenario because the health issues that I was experiencing, they came out of nowhere.
Were they leftover health issues that came out?
They were unrelated. It came out of nowhere. One day I woke up and I felt like I had the flu and it didn’t stop for months. It was about three months of feeling those symptoms of body aches, weight loss, headaches, and I developed rashes all over my body. All this crazy stuff was showing up. I was going to the doctor trying to figure out what was going on. This was pre–health consciousness, the way that the world is now. We didn’t know as much as we do now about food allergies and the way that we talk about on social media. Everybody knows what gluten intolerance is now. This was right before that. I developed all of these health issues. I had some gut imbalanced stuff that had created itself over time and manifested over time, and that was leading to a bunch of symptoms.
In this period of struggling to wake up, get out of bed every day, go to the engineering office, and show up to work in career, I started asking myself the other questions of, what do we not know about health and the body? Why am I having these problems that nobody seems to know the answer to? Once I figured out what was going on, I had developed food sensitivities over time, which a lot of that is developed from stress, not taking care of your gut in your childhood, and periods of development. That led to wanting to learn more about health and wellness. I got a health coaching certification out of my own curiosity, my desire to learn more about how we behave, which started catapulting me into human behavior, mind–body connection, why we do the things we do, and that led to continuous investment into furthering education, becoming passionate about the work that I do now and eventually making that transition into owning a business.
You had your own business. What moved you into helping other entrepreneurs? I’ll have you define who the entrepreneurs are that you’re working with, but to move them into being able to get over a trauma that they had in their life, imagine what you’re doing, and you can tell us all about it as you’re digging into past traumas that someone had in their lives, whether physical or mental, emotional, and then how that impacts their business moving forward.
You know as much as I do. As entrepreneurs or anybody, this work relates to people that are not just in entrepreneurship. It’s a wide variety of people that look at personal development and personal growth in a different way than we used to. Several years ago, you’d want to hide walking down the aisle of Barnes & Noble looking at a personal growth or self-help book. Now, which one are you reading and how are you investing into yourself and into your growth? All of these beliefs that we create which what you talk about all the time on your show too and have these stories that people share, we go through life and we experience these things. Sometimes, we don’t see how our belief system around the things that we’ve experienced is playing into present day-to-day blocks or situations in our lives.
The way that I started helping people with mindset was in my own social media sharing and talking about the things that I was learning that were important to me. Other people started raising their hands and saying, “That’s something I struggle within my business. Is this something you are helping people with? Could this be something that we could work on together?” At that time, I’m like, “I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m just getting started in this area.” I got all of these doubts and fears show up for me as well during that time, like, “Who am I to be helping people with their mindset and belief system?” I started taking up one client at a time, one price point at a time, one step at a time, and trusting that process. I’m not going to say it’s as easy as, “Just trust the process and there it is.” Looking at it day–by–day, what’s in front of me, where am I going, what opportunities am I creating for myself, and what feels aligned.
What do you find are the barriers that people have? If you could give an adjective to the barriers. I’m not saying that it’s from childhood, those are the barriers, but rather how does it reveal itself in business? What are some of the most prominent things that you’re seeing?
A lot of times, it doesn’t even matter what happened because we have a tendency to think about this work as, “I don’t want to relive my childhood.” I went to therapy once for that. I don’t need to readdress that. What it is looking at what do you believe about yourself, about the world, and how you’re showing up now. If there’s anything that’s not serving you, we address that, we shift that, we remove it, and we create a new belief system so that you can move forward. I’ll give you an example of this. Something that I see a lot with CEOs whether that be a small business and somebody that’s looking to hire 2 to 10 people or a CEO of a large organization. You need support and help. You need to be able to receive support from your people. Additionally, you need to be able to communicate with them in a way that is effective where you feel like you’re saying, “These are the things I need from you.” There’s open communication going back and forth between two people. Sometimes, as entrepreneurs and as high achievers, people that like to do good in the world that like to be their best, they can isolate themselves a bit.
COVID makes it worse. We’re all on little islands.
They’re walking around with this belief system of, “I have to do it all myself. It’s weak of me to ask. I can’t ask for somebody to do this for me.” It’s because of the inner guilt, it’s not real, it’s all an illusion of, “I should be able to do this myself. I should be able to figure this out. I don’t know if they’re going to do it as good as I am so I don’t want to trust someone with this handful of work that I need to pass off.” That’s one example of something that I see that blocks us all the time. We don’t allow ourselves to create that connection with others so that we are supported and can rise together versus that little voice in our head that tells us that we have to do it all on our own or whatever that limiting belief or story may be.
I hear it a lot in the coaching that I do. People that are overworked, overwhelmed, living in daily chaos, and yet they still won’t hire someone because part of the limiting belief is, they are still thinking they are the person before who could handle everything because they only had a couple of clients. Now, that they’ve grown, they’re still thinking that they’re that person that can handle all those clients. It’s that control factor and giving up factor. I addressed that a lot with a lot of people. Thankfully, I don’t have that syndrome. We’ll call it a syndrome because it’s a control syndrome. I know when I have a lead indicator that tells me it’s time to hire the next level.
Thank God, I don’t have that. We all do in business we’ve had good hires and bad hires and we wonder what our communication skill. Are we communicating effectively? Especially when our gift is that we tell someone it’s yellow and they’re receiving them it’s purple, green, and blue. We’re like, “I don’t understand, it’s yellow. It’s so easy.” That’s where some of the disconnect is. How do you turn off the noise in your mind if you’re someone who’s reading and saying, “What is a process I need to go through to identify where the issue is? Is it in trust? Is it in lack of systems? What is it that is holding me back from being able to grow and get into that place of bliss and lifestyle?”
I would answer that question differently if I was working with someone, but on our own, we need to teach ourselves how to self-coach. It’s important that we learn the skills and we collect tools and have tools in our toolbox so that when we get stuck throughout the week, we don’t create codependent relationships with the people in our life that are coaching us and moving us forward and that we do these things on her own. One of the things that I do in my own life that I like to share on podcasts or talks or whatnot is you need to recognize the emotion that you’re feeling because this is one of the number one thing that people miss. High achievers are problem solvers. We all love to solve problems. We are constantly trying to figure out, “What is the next problem that I need to solve?”
Creating problems to solve problems.
“What’s the next problem that I need to create to solve more problems?” First, we need to look at the emotion that we’re feeling so that we don’t bypass it. This does not mean that we become our emotions. This means that we say, “My brain is experiencing stress, overwhelm, anxiety, fear, guilt, or whatever that lower vibrational emotion is that we’re trying to get rid of.” After we identify the thing that we’re feeling, the story that we are tying to that emotion is where we want to go next. We ask ourselves, “What am I responding to?” A lot of times, the thing that we think we’re responding to is not the thing that’s bothering us. It’s not the thing that our brain and our head is still focused on that’s keeping us in that loop, preventing us from moving forward, and achieving that clarity that we want.
The thing that we are responding to is the story that we’re looking to shift and change. For example, let’s go back to what you and I were talking about as far as scaling a business. Let’s say that anyone collectively, we may be experiencing some fear around hiring someone. If we have a lot of stress and we’re constantly putting an ad out, asking our friends for a resource, or going to some website and looking for a resource, we can ask ourselves, “What’s the feeling? What am I experiencing here? Maybe it’s fear. Why am I experiencing fear? What am I responding to?” I am responding to a story that says, “If I bring in a resource, if I hire, that means I’m going to have to make even more money because my overhead is going to go up and then I’m going to be responsible for having to bring in another $20,000, $30,000 a year for this part-time person. I don’t know if I trust myself to do that.” We can get to the root of you don’t realize how powerful you are. You don’t realize how capable you are of doing the things that you want to be doing. This is where the block is.
The other response to that, I hear more often than not, is, “I have to make more money to have them in there, but I don’t have the time to bring them on. It’s easier and faster to do it myself.” I hear that all the time. In fact, I was talking to a client and she’s like, “I grabbed the step and said, let me do it.” I go, “If you do that then who’s working for whom?” You put yourself in a situation where you’re enabling them to say, “If I don’t get the work done, she’ll come in and do it.” People back up and say, “I’m not going to hire anyone because every time I hired someone, I end up working for them.”
These are habitual things that we’re doing. These thought patterns that we have in our head, they’re habitual ways of thinking. We’ve created this belief, so someone’s who work in a way, maybe you are somebody that needed to do a lot of things yourself as a child. It doesn’t matter what the story is there, but because of what you learned about yourself through that time, you created this thought that we play out into our business.
It’s always the fear of, I always am ready to hire the next person. I don’t have any problems with that. I’m not worried about the money, not worried about how I’m going to bring them on board because I create big system so that they can come into. For me, it’s always the choice I make in the setbacks and the “Here we go again, hiring the 4th and 5th person to do this job and recognizing that I should be slow to hire and fast to fire.” I start getting to doubt myself with my limiting beliefs saying, “Apparently, I’m not capable of hiring the right people.” How does that person always have such a rock star team and then here I am and how come my team is an intermediate band in middle school? I always feel like that’s what I attract and I hire. Occasionally I’ll get that good, top performer. That’s for me, personally, is probably my biggest challenge in overcoming. “Here we go again. I’m probably going to do the wrong thing,” instead of saying, “I got this.”
[bctt tweet=”Allow yourself to create that connection with others, so you are supported. ” via=”no”]
Anybody that owns a business or has been part of the hiring process of a business knows that is one of the biggest constraints. That is one of the most challenging things. To hire talent and have the right people in the right position.
It’s funny because even now during COVID, we think that everybody’s lost their jobs, no one seems to be available. I’m like, “I don’t get it. Where are all these people that lost their jobs? I could bring them on. I need some people.” Early on, when you had the challenges, how did you overcome those challenges of the limiting belief? I know I’ve already asked what are some of the things, but what were the resources that you went to, the people that you sought out, the work that you did, or was it one day there was a tipping point and you got it?
There are two answers to it. One of them is important to show us all, all those collectively how we do have blind spots. When I was recovering from the brain injury, I was convinced that I was ready to go back to school. I thought I was fine. I thought everything was good. I was reading books again. I had been bedridden for six weeks. At this point, I’m like, “I can brush my teeth. I can make my own food. I’m good to go.” I take a cognitive ability test to make sure to have clearance to go back to school. Bottom 98%, not mid, not top. The doctor who’s looking at me and he was like, “If you go back to school right now, you’re going to fail. There’s no way that you can do this.” In my mind, I’m like, “What do you mean? I brushed my teeth this morning, I got myself here, and I’m doing all of these things for myself. What are you talking about?” “You have a little place in your brain that’s not retaining information for longer than a couple of minutes, so there’s no way you’re going to be able to go pass a test, write a paper, or give a presentation.”
What my perception of self at the time was, “I’m good. I’m fine. I don’t know what this doctor is saying.” That is a stark contrast to how we block ourselves in our business and our life and the stories we tell ourselves. I believe that it’s similar in how we carry these limiting beliefs that sometimes we do not even realize the role that they’re playing in our ability to create success in our life, have more significance, create more impact, and have this life of freedom. Sometimes, when we’re blocked to stuff, we’re so deeply blocked up to the story, the limiting belief, and we’re not even aware of it ourselves. As far as how I overcame some of my own limiting beliefs, this is later on, we don’t have to go into all of the stories, but I grew up in a house that has a lot of trauma, mistrust, chaos, and lack of control. I did not realize all of that how that was playing out into my behaviors and my career in the engineering firm and then also in starting a business thereafter.
When I started working on my own, I’ll call it a healing process, healing journey, and growth process. I hired a coach and I worked with her for a number of years. I still have a connection with her. It’s not as frequently as it was but I still have my utmost trust in this woman to see the things that I’m not seeing to continue to help make me a better individual. I look at it as an overhead expense as far as my business is concerned because it’s something that has had a tremendous impact on my life and my business. The ways that she has been able to help me through my own barriers and on blocks is far beyond anything that I could have done on my own.
Those blind spots are tough. There’s a lot of people that don’t believe in coaching and don’t believe in any of that. They believe they can take care of it on their own. It will take twice as long. There’s no question about it. Is there an assessment that you do to determine where the limiting belief is or where they are if there are multitudes on them? Is it doing an assessment and figuring out where the gaps are and why you can’t move forward in a specific area?
You know it. It integrates. The most beautiful lie is to see what it is. It tells me the power of coaching and you’re doing it with your clients. You’ve seen the power of it. We can see the gap. It’s hard to see the solution or to see what needs to shift. That’s where a lot of people get stuck. They lack the time to give themselves the reflection on where’s my life out, where do I want it to be, and who do I need to become in order for it to get there. We focus so much on how and what needs to happen, but we forget that we’re the decision–maker, we’re the doer, and we’re the one that’s showing up in the behaviors that’s going to create this life. Let’s pay attention to that too. I’m not saying that you can only do mindset and belief work to grow a business and grow a company. There are a million other things that you can do.
With my coaching, I do a little mindset. I’m not deep in that because I’m not certified in it. Go to your psychiatrist if you want. There is some mindset in there. That leads to tactical. Most people are like, “What do I do?” “Hold on, simmer down, let’s back up a little bit. We need to do some brainstorming. We need to be doing some thought-provoking things to make sure that we’re clear about what we want so we can have that clarity to move forward.” I love that you do that. What is driving you now with the work that you’re doing?
I’m going through a little bit of a transition. What’s driving me now is I changed organization. I’ve been working with solopreneurs for quite a long time in small businesses. I’m sure you can resonate with this. You start to get this pull in your heart in your chest and it’s like, “What’s next for me? I want to play bigger. What does that look like? What does playing bigger in my life look like?” I’ve been feeling that whole lately. I’ve been doing some collaborative work which as a small business owner, I have support and people that help me in my business, but this is a little bit different. I’m collaborating with other individuals who have experience in changed organization. We’re doing some offers together to help companies. Helping the entire team and every supply chain, all of it to create that change.
Since this traumatic period of time that happened several years ago, what’s changed in your life?
Everything. That is just one example of something that happened that I experienced but I was the poster child for bad things that happened to me. I believed that about myself and that is what I attracted. Life does not happen that way anymore at all. It is a complete 180. All the time, I attract great and wonderful people and things and opportunities all the time, but I didn’t realize the power that was required to experience that freedom of life in that way and how so much of it was me playing out my reality of my expectation that I was a victim to my circumstances or that I couldn’t have the life that I have now.
It’s funny because they always say about those of us that are in coaching, speaking, and podcasting. You’re a podcaster as well. Our mess becomes our message because we’ve walked through that fire, now it becomes the message that we want to share with everyone else, and how to get out of it. You mentioned that you are starting to do some more collaborative things with everybody. I believe that our future is a series of nows. What are you doing right now that is playing into your future aside from the collaborative work? What is it for you personally? Maybe even from the heart–center piece of it, what does your future look like?
My future looks a little bit different than my current now. For the last several years, I’ve been dedicated to understanding all of these things that we’ve been talking about how do limiting beliefs play into our day-to-day behaviors and how does it play into business. That stuff has become pretty simple to me, which we all go through these growth periods and you go, “That’s pretty simple now. What can I focus on next?” I’m back to this phase of knowing that I need to learn because the decisions that you’re making now, that’s going to be what happens the next 2, 5, 10 years. I need to learn some things about organizational change. I’m back into education. I finished a certification in the work that we’re talking about now and redefining what my next why, my next mission is, the problems that I want to solve in the world, and how I want to show up to it. I feel like reflection is something that we don’t spend enough time doing, and then you look back ten years and you go, “What am I doing?” I’ve been trying to spend a lot of time reinventing and defining what that looks like.
[bctt tweet=”A lot of times, the thing that we think we’re responding to is not the thing that’s bothering us. ” via=”no”]
That’s good work because so many people don’t do it although some of us have been thrust into that. We don’t have a choice because now we’re thinking. One of the reasons why I’m so thankful that this show was already in the works way before COVID. I’d already recorded multitudes of the interviews, they were waiting to be released by having all the stuff that you have to go to do a show and waiting, and then when COVID happened and it came out, I thought, “The timing is perfect because everyone is sitting at home and pondering, what am I going to do? Do I want that job that I was going to I thought I did?” It’s like a dog. It’ crazy and you go, “Focus.” You get their attention. That’s what we did. All of a sudden, we’re like, “We don’t like all this chaos that we’ve been surrounded with for a long time.” This is great work. It’s wonderful what you’re doing. Tell us what the best way to open a door with you if the readers would love to have some coaching with you.
That assessment that you mentioned because you brought up something that I take people through. You can go to my website, AbundantlyClearPodcast.com. It’s the easiest way to get to my website, it‘ll take you to the backend, but that’s the easiest thing to remember. Click the Assessment page and take a Blindspot Assessment with me and I’ll help you in that.
I even wrote the word assessment down. It’s a Blindspot Assessment.
Your marketing angles are on. It’s AbundantlyClearPodcast.com. The website is Malorie–Nicole.com. Abundantly Clear is way easier.
I have Kinetic Spark Consulting and most people don’t know how to spell kinetics. I deal with that all the time. Tell us a little bit about your podcasts, which I’m going to be a guest on.
I do guest interviews similarly to you. I do them twice a month. Every other episode, I do a small solo episode in more of a tutorial fashion because one of the biggest challenges to people trying to think about mindset work is how do you connect the dots from being theory to implementing and taking action in your life to making change. I’m a big believer in action. We’re not going to sit around and talk about the things that we think about all day long. We want to create and cultivate that transformation. I do short episodes talking about one specific thing, topic, or adjustment that someone can make in that week in their life to move forward.
I do some of those on my other podcasts, some solo podcasts or monologues, whatever you want to do. It’s an accumulation of what I’ve been hearing. The other versions that say, “Now it’s time for me to get my 2 cents and to hear on my thoughts on what I’m learning from it and everything.” Thank you, first of all, for the gift, that’s wonderful that you’re giving that gift. It’s AbundantlyClearPodcast.com, and then you can take the Blindspot Assessment, and from there you can get ahold of Malorie. How fun will it be for you to find out how many blind spots you have and what you can start working on?
All of the opportunities.
It’s all good stuff. We all have these blind spots. Sometimes, they’re so blatantly there. It’s funny because I pass through a blind spot that I had, but I can’t remember it now. It’s still blind to me apparently, but I passed through one and thought, “I can’t believe that I didn’t think about that. Here I am, a coach in this arena.” I wish I could think about it right now, because I was saying, “Let’s put into play what I coach other people on.” Sometimes, we have to look in the mirror and say, “How would I apply this to that? I better apply it to myself and make sure that things happen.”
I feel like you’re constantly doing your growth work. That’s one of the reasons why I still work with the coach that I work with because it feels, out of integrity, not be doing my own work as I’m in people’s lives.
We have to do that. I’ve got several coaches for that same reason. It’s funny to hear myself talking to them and asking for counsel on it. They’re spewing back the same thing that I would say. It makes me go, “I’m stupid, but I’m not. This is what it’s all about.” For the readers, if you feel like you have a blind spot or you don’t know you have a blind spot, but something isn’t sitting, you’re not going in that direction, please make sure that you reach out to Malorie. I want to ask you this one question, how are you physically now? What’s happening with your trauma? Are you 100% healed? We know the brain heals itself a little bit in certain places. Are you still struggling with anything? Where are you now?
As far as cognitive testing, I went from the bottom 98% to the top 98% in six months. That was several years ago, but that transition and that grow up was like, “How does that even happen?” For years after the accident, I dealt with a whole lot of migraines and different pains that would come up. That’s gone. As far as the health stuff, the gluten tolerance and all of that, all of that’s completely gone. 6:30 on the dot, every morning without an alarm, I never thought I could be a person whose body clock adjusted that way. I don’t know but I have more energy than I’ve ever had in my life. I feel better than I ever have in my life, and that’s good. It’s been quite a journey. I wouldn’t change it for anything, but it’s good.
Thank you so much, Malorie for being with us. We appreciate it. I love your story and I love the work that you’re doing. I hope that our readers want to reach out to you and want to take that opportunity to see what is holding them back as well, whether their dreams are financial or it’s about lifestyle and they need to get out of their own way. I hope that they take you up on your offer to pick up your free gift. I know that they’ll reach out to you after that as well for some coaching. Thank you so much for being on our show.
Thank you for having me.
We will see you next time. Have a fantastic day.
Important Links
- Malorie Nicole
- AbundantlyClearPodcast.com
- Kinetic Spark Consulting
- Blindspot Assessment
- https://go.oncehub.com/MalorieNicole
About Malorie Nicole
I help entrepreneurs and executives redesign their thought patterns for better performance, greater fulfillment, and results. https://malorie-nicole.com/
Because I believe in results, my website will show you that. I help clients understand the exact areas blocking them from their next level of success and fulfillment. It’s my passion to help driven professionals reach their next level of growth.
Many don’t realize the importance of understanding why we think the way we do, because we are accustomed to solely solving the problem, dismissing us from addressing real issues. Your daily stressors and business problems often times start in the subconscious, but how often do you address it that way?
This is why my clients see their patterns dissolve and create rapid success very quickly. They remove themselves from the loop of outworking the problem. Let’s face it leadership roles require an incredible amount of problem-solving, and they begin to see themselves, their business, and their performance through a different lens.
I help entrepreneurs, executives, and driven professionals who want to:
- Decrease their stress,
- Create a more fulfilling life,
- Lead their teams more efficiently,
- Generate more money, and
- Know they can benefit from doing their own growth work.
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