Many people watch television to relax and relieve stress. However, we never realized that this also affects our overall outlook in life and could prevent us from being completely whole and becoming the best person we can be. That is according to our guest in today’s episode, Dr. Patricia Boulogne. She helps sick, overweight, and tired people to release lifelong weight problems, chronic diseases, and genetic disposition to restore energy and vitality and be completely whole, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. She emphasizes that you can be a better you with what you feed your body and mind.
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Being Completely Whole Mentally, Physically, Emotionally And Spiritually With Dr. Patricia Boulogne
Thank you so much for joining us and for taking time out of your day to spend learning, growing and reading about other people’s challenges in what they have overcome, as well as helping you get better at what you want in your life. If you have been reading for a while, thank you for your patronage. I appreciate it.
Our guest is Dr. Pat Boulogne. She is a health expert, doctor, chiropractor, lifestyle medicine coach. There are a lot of things that she does. She’s also an author as well. The name of her book is Why…Are You Sick, Fat, and Tired?. I love that you added the fat in there because we always say we are sick and tired, but there’s always an element of that. I’d love to invite you and welcome you to the show.
Thank you very much. I appreciate that. I get a lot of flak sometimes about that title, but it’s always from people who are on the little pudgier side, that it seemed to have an issue with the word fat, but what fat indicates is that’s inflammation. That would be a whole other show.
I want to read something else about you so that everyone can get some content about this because some people would be reading, “I’m skinny and I’m not tired. I’m done reading the show.” That’s not the case. We want to make sure that we have our one stick around because it’s about being stronger than medicine, which I know is a program of yours.
I know that you help professionals and entrepreneurs make better decisions, have more balance in their lives, which is a word I don’t like, but we’ll talk about it. More balance in their lives with superior nutrition and all kinds of wellness and health initiatives. I’m going to get started with that it’s been years now that we’ve been in this pandemic. A lot of people gained weight.
I’m fortunate and blessed because when we started in January of 2020, my husband and I converted to plant-based. Thank God we did because then we could have been one of those statistics, but we weren’t so that’s good. Now we are many years into this and people are still at home and working in front of their computers all day long. I can tell you that my eyes hurt a lot. It’s not just your physical health, but what’s happening with your eyes as well, your neck and all that good stuff. I know that’s important to you as a chiropractor.
What are some things that we need to be looking at? I’m going to dive right in. What are some things that we need to be doing? As this continues to extend, I feel like I’m at the brink of, “Something’s got to give and change because the routine I have put in place during this is now boring me. I need more.” Part of that is winter. It’s cold. What are some suggestions that you can give people to get us reset or restarted as we start the third year of the pandemic?
[bctt tweet=”You have to be very mindful about what you’re feeding your mammalian brain.” via=”no”]
Throw your TV out. I don’t own a TV. I haven’t had a TV for years, but the point is that the way that the ads and the volume on TVs are so addictive that all of a sudden, you are thinking, “I’m going to flash on and get the news,” because you should always know what both sides are saying. When you do that, you get stuck. All of a sudden, it’s one hour later.
One of the things is to stop watching TV and watch where you are getting news out. If it doesn’t seem to fit, like it doesn’t make sense because you have to ask yourself, “Is the right side equaling the left side?” not just for me, but completely, then it’s like, “What do I need to look into so I get better information?” There is better information out there.
That’s interesting that you went to TV because that’s the least of my concerns, but maybe it isn’t for others.
It’s a great tool to watch your favorite movies on. That gives you peace of mind because if you look at the three brains and how they work, the brain that is constantly being triggered by watching TV is the survival brain. It is what I call the lizard brain. It’s the one that you want to protect you when a deer runs out in front of your car. You want to be able to slam on the brakes or stop that. When the lizard brain is going full force, it stops you from being the best person that you can be. It tells you that you can’t do it, that why do you think you are not worthy of that. It works at your self-esteem, about things and messages that you have had from childhood.
It’s automatic and it happens all the time. The thing is that when you are in your mammalian brain and it is talking to you, you are tying in emotions with events. That’s why, for instance, in a movie, what I love is it starts out with all these people being happy. Here’s the tie-in to people who they love that are at the checkpoint at Heathrow Airport.
When you see that, it automatically makes you feel better. When you’re doing or visualizing things that automatically feel better, your body functions better mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, that happens automatically too, but you have control of what you are watching, not watching or what’s being fed to the mammalian brain.
You have the cautious brain, which is, “When I’m up right now, I’m in my conscious brain.” That’s when you first get up and you want to talk to the mammalian brain, give it a brand new picture for the day like, “I am healthy. I am active. I am a vitally active successful human being. On this day I do, give, love and serve to these people who are your clients or whoever they are.”
It starts it off on a positive note. If you end it on that same note at the end of the day, then it’s easier to wake up feeling happier, healthier, more vibrant. You have got better habits mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. The straight greens come into play quite a lot when I say TV because you have to be very mindful about what you’re feeding your mammalian brain.
Let’s talk about the computer because to me, that’s more of an issue than TV. I’m sure there are half of the people that are reading that are like, “TV, I don’t care about.” What about being on the computer and in front of it all day. It seems that whether we are having meetings on here or we are doing shows like you and I are doing. I was in COVID years ago when I started my show. I was already doing all these things.
I call it Zoomism or zombism of zoom is that people are now saying, “I’m sick of being on Zoom calls.” I know I’ve changed. I’ve done some of my coaching saying, “I’m going to switch my coaching up. We’re not always on a zoom call. We need to be on a phone call so I can walk around the house, stand on my vibration plate, go for a walk and coach you.” Talk to us about that. What are some things that we can be doing because I feel like that creates a lizard brain for me being on my computer? What can we do? I don’t watch news.
There’s a reason for it. If you are in front of your computer, there are devices that you can use. I, for instance, for on-air, I have been wearing this device called a Q Link since 1995 or 1996. The reason why I wear it is because it is a device that the men of the PGA use to help with focus. If you are going to be in front of it, then you want those electromagnetic waves that are coming from your computer and you want to defer them. That will help you do that when you have devices like that around your house. There are plugins you can put into the wall that disperse energy or they’re power savers.
Some people call them that, but for a wearable device, the Q Link is a great device to wear. You can’t see this, but I have one on my telephone also. In that device, you can get the Q Link and make some cute little buttons that you can put on your telephone. That’s an important thing that you can do and also take breaks. Get up. It’s like, “I have got a half-hour. How far can I walk in a half-hour?” You can at least walk 1 mile.
Go out and get fresh air and move your body. In The 5-Pillars Of Health that I teach, I teach proper diet and nutrition, proper exercise, proper sleep patterns, positive mental attitude, positive mindset and proper posture which relates to the biomechanics. In your nervous system, functioning at as close to 100% as possible. You can control those five elements inside by doing specific things at each one of those pillars.
It’s important for people to take action. I have a timer every 50 minutes for me to get up. It’s a big thing for me. Last time I put myself on timeout. My husband said, “What are you doing?” I go, “I’m on timeout right now.” I was ingrained in looking at putting a presentation together that I said, “I need a timeout. I’m deep in it.” I came back and I finished it in lickety-split.
[bctt tweet=”All your food that you eat affects you.” via=”no”]
You have to take the action to put those things in place because we do get involved in our daily activities that we don’t take the action. I want to go further back. You are a chiropractor and I know lots of chiropractors, but why are you speaking about this? What perpetuated you to go out into the world and speak about this beyond being a chiropractor?
In 1996, I retired for quite a while and I moved from Cape Cod up to Boston. The one thing that became relevant to me is, because I’m an observer, I’m very visual as a chiropractor, you are trained to be visual and most people are. I would walk around. If I saw somebody that didn’t look okay, they are way out there, not street people, but people in suits, I WhatsApp and say, “Can I ask you a question? Are you feeling okay?”
They know. People tell me stuff all the time that they normally wouldn’t tell other people. One of the things as I did that perpetually, and it bothered me that people were having the effects of toxins in their environment, whether it was the air that they breathe, the water they drink, the chemicals they use in their house to clean it or the gardening supplies that they have.
They had exposure for those 24/7 in their environment. Those were being absorbed into their body and they’re being deposited in blood, brain, bone and fat. When your body has that, and it gets overwhelmed, that’s where toxins go. They don’t leave your body anymore. They go to your weakest link. That was my one observation.
The second thing in regards to that was that I read an article. This is what got me totally out of being in retirement. It was, “At 212 known dangerous chemicals, when those chemicals are tested in the blood of Americans, all of them were there in some level, shape or form for whoever they tested.” I thought like, “That’s crazy.”
There’s that statistic that by 2030, 50% of the population is going to have a chronic illness or disease. It doesn’t happen. You have to have an accumulation of things happening to you, like these toxins in our thoughts and other puzzle pieces that create the inflammation in our bodies. When I got to hit that, I decided to come back out and said, “I had to do something.” That’s when I wrote my book and started looking at getting research for it, Why…Are You Sick, Fat, and Tired?.
You know if you are tired and whether or not when you are looking at a mirror, basically that you are fat or how your clothes are fitting you. Even though they’re still fitting, sometimes they’re snug. You don’t know if you are sick. That takes a segment of time because there’s no process that does not require time. It takes a snippet of time in order for that to manifest. I decided in order for me to live my life, I couldn’t ignore it anymore because I wanted to help people have superior health.
All of those things are super important. I feel that as Americans, we are busy chasing the dream that we failed to take care of our bodies. A lot of times, we consume food without even the thought behind it. It’s just consumption. I know one of the things that you do is help influencers and executives think about their nutrition. I want to talk briefly about nutrition and what you feel is the best. We have a lot of people on TV saying it’s a keto diet, a plant-based diet or a blood type diet.
It’s all these nutrisystem, all these types of diets where I feel like it’s an adjustment in the way that you live. You can’t say that on our show here, because everybody’s a little different, but more than just what the food is, it’s the timing on the consumption of it. I know that I have sat here all day and not eaten. My nutritionist that I have said, “You are starving yourself to death.”
I said, “I’m not hungry.” Know if you are starving yourself. You need to make sure you’re eating enough calories every day. What are some things that we could be doing as we are busy and we start walking in our homes or at the office to ensure that we have the proper nutrition with us and the right timing to maintain our health throughout the day?
Number one, it’s not about calories. Number two, it’s about fats, proteins and carbohydrates and how you pair fats, proteins and carbohydrates into a meal. For instance, you could have a hard-boiled egg, three olives, which would be the fat, the egg would be the protein, and you could have a tomato. That would be a complete protein. That would be a complete unit for you at that moment.
You would get better utilization. You would feel better, think better, move better. You would be able to make those better decisions because you are eating superior nutrition because of the huge gut-brain access. I don’t advocate for women who are pre-menopausal. Many of them, because all your food that you eat affects you hormonally. Keto diets affect women more so than men hormonally.
I tell somebody like, “You are a good candidate for a keto,” then there’s a lot of work that goes in summation about what’s going on with that person. That’s why I don’t guess, I test. On my first test, I want to see where the weakest link is in your organ systems so that I can funnel focus on that particular organ and how it relates to, especially for women from the stomach to all your female type of questions, whether you are premenopausal, in the middle, or you are menopausal.
There’s a chemistry that still happens. When you look at foods as all hormonal, then you choose your food wisely. If you’re working at a computer, you can prep and go, “I’m going to be on a computer.” You can do an appropriate shake that has the right amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates in it. You can go like, “It’s 21 protein units.” When I teach this, I need to come out to being like 3 protein units. You have to have 3 protein or fat units and 3 carbohydrate units also in order to make that work.
[bctt tweet=”You need your health for everything. And if you don’t have your health, you’re not going to work.” via=”no”]
If you’re going to do a shake, it’s easy. You have to be able to read labels and know what the ingredients are because when you are ingesting on an ingredient list and you can’t pronounce it, you probably shouldn’t eat it. That’s a tidbit there. When you’re putting stuff together and you want to eat as clean as possible, you want to make choices of foods that you like. You can do it. You have to pick the right food. I was in a Safeway in Maryland.
In the Safeway, I was sitting there, I had two pieces of broccoli in my hand. One was organic and one was inorganic. This woman asked me, “You look so deep in thought. Are you thinking about that broccoli?” I said, “I’m thinking that broccoli is like dating.” With a puzzled look on her face, she goes, “Do tell.”
I said, “The organic broccoli is the broccoli that nurtures you. People will do a lot of plant-based. You have to be like, ‘What is it that makes me feel good?’ After I eat, I’m not tired an hour and a half later. I don’t feel like I need to go take a nap. What is it that I can put in my body? Here’s the organic broccoli. That’s the guy who takes you out, make sure he water walks and feeds you, gives you a nice comfy house, wants you to eat good foods all the time and get all your sleep. The inorganic broccoli is the guy that takes you out. You go party, dance, stay up until 2:00 to 3:00 in the morning and you have got to get up at 6:00 to go to work and be there by 8:00. You are exhausted. Those relationships are always damaging mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.”
If the broccoli feeds out, food is medicine. You are either feeding disease or you are working against us. It’s picking your foods. Especially if you’ve got a lot of stuff going on, you want to be able to go get stuff that you can put your hands on like, “I need nuts. I can have three nuts. That’s a fat. I can have three nuts, an egg and I can have a tomato,” as an odd combination, or a cup of blueberries.
It’s funny you say that because every morning I create a bowl that sits in my refrigerator so that when I’m ready to have something to eat, I go get the bowl. It has a couple of tomatoes, almonds and those types of things in it. It helps me be able to not go pick whatever I want to grab this bowl. What is the best thing that anyone can do? This is not for women.
I want this to be for both men and women. What is the best food or something that someone can do during the day when they feel that they are sagging down into not being able to make decisions? “I have been added all day. I have started to drop down. How can I reboost my thoughts? Not my energy necessarily, but my cognitive thinking?” What is the best thing to give to our bodies for cognitive thinking?
Brain food. When you want to have cognitive thinking, you want to keep your blood glucose levels balanced throughout the whole day. In eating like specific foods for that, you could take a cup of blueberries, put a little bit of organic whipped cream or organic cream over the top of it or just have the blueberries. Blueberries are carbohydrate. You want to equate that also to having the fat and protein with that.
Most dairy has protein and carbohydrate components. If you had half a cup of organic low-fat yogurt and a cup of blueberries, it would be golden. You can eat that. That’s a great snack and it suffices. It brings your blood glucose levels back up. When people get that loopy feeling, “I’m dizzy, all of a sudden.” The other thing is that after you eat lunch, if you take 20 to 30 minutes to lay down, listen to a high level of binaural beats over 538 because 538 is the frequency of love. It’s the frequency of classical music. Take 15, 20 or 30 minutes to close your eyes, don’t go to sleep, listen to the music and be more concentric or take fifteen minutes and listen to, go out, walk and come back.
Getting outside is good because we have the same vibration as the Earth. That’s where everyone says, “Get out, take a walk outside and get yourself recalibrated.” If someone else that is reading going, “This is a lot of work. I have to do this and that. I got to take a fifteen-minute break, then I have to nap. I’m just going to work,” what do you say to them? How do you create new habits?
Mother Nature always wins. You need your health for everything. If you don’t have your health, you are not going to work. I was at a woman’s mindset conference for business in October 2019. I wanted to go to a retreat. I haven’t been to a retreat in such a long time. I was excited to be around like-minded women who are in business and who have loved life. I was shocked sitting there on the first day.
You know how they have when you have those conferences, you share, then somebody gets on a mic and they share their experience, “What’s your takeaway from your group?” Out of probably 15 people that talk that first day, 8 of them had cancer. They had to close their businesses down. They were restarting. They became a burden on their family and themselves because they never took care of themselves. You either pay now or you pay later. If you pay later, it’s not pretty.
There are two things to that too. We tend to sacrifice our health to create wealth and then later, we sacrifice our wealth to maintain our health. That’s key. There was another doctor that I was on a summit with. He only helps men, which I think is cool because the whole, “I only help women,” I’m like, “Help everybody.”
He’s like, “We don’t have a health crisis. We have a disease crisis. We wait for the disease to manifest and then we worry about our health rather than preventing health issues.” You are going to pay now or later. I love you that Mother Nature wins. You can make that decision, “I don’t feel like taking the nap. I don’t feel like eating the right thing. I’ll take a cookie or chocolate instead of going and grabbing those blueberries.” You can make that choice. These are all choices that you make.
I know a woman who has five kids. She has two kids left at home. This is her second marriage. Her mother-in-law came. She was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia. Five days later, when she got out of the hospital, but she shouldn’t have even traveled, she got on the plane and infected their whole house. I said to her, “You have to put the yellow mask on yourself first and stop the cycle. The only way you are going to stop the cycle is if you truly quarantine.”
[bctt tweet=”If you can change your mindset plus your wellness initiatives, you can be successful in everything. And it applies to anything that you want to do in your life.” via=”no”]
“Let somebody get healthy in that environment, go in, spic and span, clean that room because the virus, germs don’t live forever. Bacterial stuff, if you have mold or mildew around your house, then that can affect your direct health. It can weaken your immune system, so if something comes along, then you get it.” You’re thinking, “How did that happen? How does that work?” All you have to do is breathe it in. It’s airborne like bacteria or that type of stuff.
Let’s talk about Stronger Than Medicine. I know that you have an online course called Stronger Than Medicine. What is the intent of it?
A lot of people do not know where their bottom baseline is. They don’t know what going back to basics even means, let alone where it is. What the course does is the course explain mindset because I’m heavy on mindset. If you can change your mindset, that positive, mental attitude plus positive mindset plus your wellness initiatives, you can be successful in everything.
It doesn’t just apply to your health and business. It applies to anything that you want to do in your life, relationships and that whole thing. When I teach the 5 Pillars of Health, I teach individuals like, “This is the first pillar of health. Here are the basics about it. Here’s where you know where you are. Here’s where it stands. Here’s the exercise.”
“I hate exercise. Why do I have to go exercise anyway?” If you don’t move, you’re going to die. That whole portion of that gets paced out. The next piece is sleep. I am a sleep expert. I have talked at many sleep summits. I have given biohacking your sleep, courses with people and parlayed with them. When I started talking about sleep, we could spend a whole webinar. We could go to this whole time together just on that.
The positive mental attitude, I spend time talking about who are the toxic people in your life and maybe like, “How do you put that because you can’t get rid of your family?” You can choose how much time you spend and what your boundaries are in creating those nice boundaries. Having that proper posture, strength and what are things you can do that relate to all of them?
One thing is to hydrate. Drink 50% of your body weight in ounces every day. Put lemon in it, so you help your stomach digest your food better. That lemon is a blood purifier. It’s a good thing. I tell people where to go in that class and to identify their issues. The cool part of that class is on the 3rd and 4th-week course. In the third week of that course, I give a questionnaire that tells you how well you are detoxifying your environment. It gives you a number.
That number tells me if you’re a good detoxifier. It also lets you know how you are handling the toxins in your environment. I also give another questionnaire that parlays with that. That’s called the HQ Guts. It’s a health questionnaire to tell the health snapshot of the gut because you cannot keep on eating something in damaging your gut lining and having to have food seatbelt the blood to go over to your liver and the liver not being able to handle those toxins and then storing it in blood, brain, bone, and fat.
If you know what that is, you can know exactly where to start like, “Where am I at? Where do I have to spend my time, energy and money at?” I will show you exactly, “This is what to do 1st, 2nd and 3rd at this point in time so that you can have the breakthroughs that you need. You can have a healthy, strong immune system every day.” The question in health is not that usually health is defined as your organs functioning 100% of the time. Who says that it is not the absence of disease or infirmities?
You could have something brewing that doesn’t manifest yet. It’s important to be able to identify that and look at how is that affecting the immune system and, “Where is that problem? What can I do about it now, not five months from now?” You don’t have those crises that the good doctor, the summit that you are on, that we talk about all the time. Who wants to wait until they are in crisis? Sometimes it’s too late then.
Do you have a gift for our readers, something that they can get from you, a PDF, something to read or a piece of your book? What do you have that you could offer to us that they can grab a copy of?
I have How To Wake Up More Productive In Five Easy Steps. That little article gives you a parameter like, “Set your intention for the day. Do your positive mentality. Mindset shift for the day.”
It’s been a pleasure having you on the show. I always leave with 1 final thought, 1 tip, 1 suggestion, 1 mantra, 1 quote that you’d like to leave our readers with so that it compels them to take some action.
Don’t forget your health. We need it for everything.
I know it because I’m almost 60 now and I sprained my ankle. It used to be that, “I sprained my ankle. It’ll be okay in a couple of days or weeks.” Now it’s a month. It’s taking longer to heal. I’m preoccupied with it every single day. That’s exactly it is. We are fine until our health tells us, “No. We’re not okay. Now everything else gets put on the backburner.” Make the choice to put all those things on the backburner and bring your health to the front burner so you don’t have to be out of control.
You need to go see a chiropractor who can handle sprained ankles. Consider when you are doing something with your ankle, as my gift to you is I would look up J wrapping because it stabilizes your ankle. I use a footdrop type of tape also with the Kinesio chain, but the J wrap is a great tape that helps you stabilize your ankle so that it can have an opportunity to heal.
He used it when I fell skiing and cracked three ribs. I haven’t broken anything in my life, but I have bent everything. Pat, thank you so much for joining us. It’s been a pleasure. I want to say to everyone who’s reading, thank you so much for taking time out of your day. Make sure that you are touching base with Pat and learning what she’s all about, perhaps grab her book as well, Why…Are You Sick, Fat, and Tired?. Pick up the book. There’s a Kindle available as well. Be sure to write us a great review and give us a five-star rating. We’d love to have that. We’ll catch you next time.
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About Dr. Patricia Boulogne
I help my clients who are sick, overweight, and tired finally release lifelong weight problems, chronic diseases and genetic disposition to restore energy and vitality!
I accomplish this by making sense of complex and challenging problems and situations quickly – Mind, Body, or Soul, in a way that is more simple, faster, achievable – and, with measurable results.
What would your Health, Relationships, and Future look like if you didn’t suffer chronic conditions that age you and rob you of the lifestyle you desire and deserve?
Imagine aging gracefully, abundantly, and healthier because you had a plan and paid attention to warning signs before it’s too late! Who doesn’t want that?
The life I speak of is an actuality for my client’s and Lifestyle Medicine solutions made that a reality!