Getting to the Heart of Your Clients Needs with Anne McCabe
Jen welcomes long time friend and guest Anne McCabe. Join as Anne explains the importance of putting your heart into helping your customers when it comes to their finances. Learn to truly care for your clients and what they stand for. Listen to the podcast here: Getting to the Heart of Your Clients Needs with Anne McCabe Hi, and welcome back to this episode. I am delighted today to have with me Anne McCabe, and I’ve known Anne for, I don’t know how long, maybe she knows a little bit better, but we’ve known each other for probably 10 years. Long time. Yeah, maybe between 10 and 15, something like that. . Um, and I wanna introduce everybody to, um, to Anne. She is a C F P S Certified Financial Planner. She’s a C R P C, which is a chartered retirement planning counselor. Um, and…